Jackie Dickinson
Executive Director, Whistler Community Services
Thank you so much. I always learn so much from you. This is my third time taking this training. I am always taken aback by your energy and commitment to this important work. As well, I always learn something new and it continues to help strengthen my role and understanding as an Executive Director of a non-profit organization. We had at least 7 board members at today's training.
Marife Sonico
Executive Assistant and Board Secretariat, BC Care Providers Association
Your templates will be very helpful as we move towards elevating our governance practices to the next level. You gave us the inspiration, knowledge and the tools to do that. Very much appreciated.
Patricia Raymond
Thank you for the great informative workshop that you have provided. I have participated on five different boards all non-profit from a choir, a housing co-op, a skills training centre, a national board for culture centres and now on an arts board. I have also been that Executive Director and Manager responsible for reporting, annual general meetings, staffing, etc. I have participated in other short training sessions as part of my management training, but your presentation was quite thorough and certainly will be of benefit to me in whatever role I am participating in for the future. Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge it is greatly appreciated :)